Setting an intention for a new year and defining your spiritual goals for 2021 is such a powerful thing to do.
Spiritual goals are all about how we align more genuinely with ourselves. It’s about connecting to the intention from which we do things.
We’ve all made new year’s resolutions, only to abandon them weeks or months later. When you truly align yourself with your goals for the new year, you’ll experience that differently.
This post is all about the Spiritual Goals to set for the New Year (2021)

To create lasting change, you need to make changes within. Through your habits, daily practice, intentions, and mind. Let’s look at the 19 most powerful spiritual goals to set for this year.
If there’s a spiritual goal that you resonate with most strongly, use it to define the specific goals you want to manifest this year. That can be anything from better relationships to growing your business or making x amount of money. Make sure your goals are connected to something more significant – otherwise, it’s merely fantasizing.
1. Being mindful
Become more aware of your thoughts and actions. Are you doing things simply because they’re considered the “right” thing to do, or do you feel them in your soul? When you connect to what you do, you effortlessly add value to your own life and those around you.
2. Practice honesty
Honesty has a deeper meaning than that “not telling untruths.” How often do you say yes when you want to say no? Do you tell people what you need? Can you be honest when you feel hurt? By practicing honesty, we show up to life more fully, and we have more to offer as a result.
3. Think twice about consuming
Buy things more mindfully, whether it’s gifts, clothing, or items for your home. When you let something in your space, it becomes you. Let the things you buy be a reflection of who you want to be.
4. Respect money
Money is meant to flow. Holding it too tight or too loose is not good. Be more aware of how you spend money and which businesses you support. Are you depriving yourself of anything? If so, what is it? Maybe circumstances made you develop a fear-based mindset around money. In the new year, reflect on your deep-seated feelings about money. And think of what you like to see differently.
5. Limit cheap media
Everything we read, see or hear becomes a part of us somehow. Make sure that the things you consume are a vote for the person you want to be. Think twice about the type of magazines you read or the quality of TV you watch.
When you choose nourishing, balanced media sources, then that’s what will be in your mind. Avoid noise and instead choose media brought to you by people with calm, balanced thoughts.
6. Be kind
Being kind comes from an overflow while being nice is something we do when our cup isn’t full first.
Being kind is about taking care of ourselves first to be kind to others with boundaries. Understand the difference between being nice and being kind.
7. Inspired action
Make sure your professional goals are aligned with something bigger. If your goal is to make $ 1000 a month from your blog by December 2021, write it down. But above all, draw a clear picture of who you want to become in the process. That way, everything you do is automatically infused with the right action and thoughts.
8. Commit to a daily practice
At the start of each new year, we’re tempted “to turn our life around,” so to say. Remember that turning your life around is built on daily habits. It might seem glamorous to make a big statement, but daily commitment is the secret to real change.
If you want to be healthier, build habits that last. Be realistic and add one healthy meal per day. Choose a workout or movement that brings you joy. Do it every day.
9. Indulge Mindfully
Enjoy good food and a glass of wine. But also feel free to redefine what “indulging” means to you. Maybe you used to swear by a weeknight glass of wine with a girlfriend, but now you just want to wake up fresh in the morning. You are 100% allowed to re-evaluate what works and what doesn’t.
10. Intentional Conversations
Talk less on autopilot and more with intent. We often develop a specific way in which we speak with our friends and family. Maybe we want to get more out of conversations.
It’s tempting to expect others to take the lead when we can do so ourselves. If you want a life with more profound, more genuine conversations, initiate that by speaking more intentionally.
11. Wake up early
There’s a certain magic in waking up before everyone else does. For a few hours, your thoughts are unspoiled by anyone else’s words or actions. By waking up early, even when you don’t feel like it, you are setting a powerful intention that you’re taking charge of the day.
You don’t have to be “productive” during those hours per se. Make it a time to reconnect with yourself or work on something that feels right at the moment. I can guarantee that you’ll take that beautiful energy with you into the day.
12. Fuel your Body
Feed your body with beautiful, fresh, alive, and in-season foods. It’s not easy to cook and plan amazing healthy meals every day. But if we genuinely want to, we will find those recipes that we (and our families) love. Making a conscious effort to add 2-3 healthy meals a week into your routine will do wonders.
13. Acceptance
To be better, we first need to accept fully where we are right now. What is bothering you? Your looks? Your financial situation? The quality of your days? Whatever we’re going through, it’s only by leaning into the uncomfortable feeling that we’re able to transform it.
If you have a hard time figuring out what exactly is bothering you, write it out. “I feel uncomfortable about (…) because:”
When you name every little thing that’s bothering you, it usually points to the more significant theme.
14. Be Open
Don’t worry if you don’t exactly know what you want. The things we truly want (not our ego) have a way of naturally coming into our awareness if we’re open to it.
Remember that being present and open is a daily practice. It’s a state of mind we can all activate, and it’s very personal in what way we do. I like meditation, the first 30 minutes after yoga or before falling asleep.
Sometimes people wonder: how do I know if I’m open? I think the easiest way to explain is to look at its opposite. You’re not open if your mind is constantly criticizing – yourself or others.
15. Commit
When you know what you want, commit. Remember that knowing what you want doesn’t necessarily mean you can precisely draw up a picture of how your life is supposed to look. Sometimes it can be a feeling or a word. Stay connected to it and commit to having it in your life. If you want more wholesome relationships, think and breathe them. What does it look like? Is there a person in your life that already reflects that?
16. Wholesome Relationships
Be mindful of relationships that are infused with trauma. If you want to start anew this year and create wholesome, supportive relationships, look within and see what type of people you’ve been entertaining. Is there are a pattern they have in common? What do your interactions typically look and feel like?
17. Embrace feeling stupid
Great things are born of getting it wrong 100 times. If you’re starting a creative endeavor in 2021, know that feeling stupid is a sign of progress. Every time you feel silly for trying or embarrassed, be grateful because it means you’re making progress.
18. Practice abundance
Practicing abundance is hard when you’re struggling financially. A way to open up to more abundance is to watch your thoughts about money. Survival mode has a way of making our thoughts rigid. Understandably so, but it also has a way of no longer seeing opportunities or a new path. Stay open and challenge your beliefs.
19. Trust yourself
In this new year, above all, trust yourself. When you gather advice, rethink what you’re trying to get by doing it. Security? Direction? Validation? If you’re committed to claiming your own life, start trusting yourself. If you can’t hear yourself, block out the noise.
Visualize your goals
To visualize your spiritual goals for the new year, sit down with a piece of paper and a pen. Make sure there are no distractions like your phone and be alone. By all means, have a glass of wine.
Meditate on what you’re leaving behind in 2020 and imagine yourself in the most empowered, high state of mind. How does it feel? What would that person set out to do?
Wait until you feel compelled to write things down on paper. When you’re there, grab your pen, and don’t stop writing until you’re done. It can be words that come to mind or some lines about what you’re manifesting this year.
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