Explained in short, the law of attraction is about cultivating higher-self thoughts that help you attract the things you want in life.

Although I won’t deny that the law of attraction is powerful, we often only use a small part of the law.
We only use the part where we rigidly attach ourselves to a goal and then attempt to manifest it, whether that’s a financial goal, a particular person, or a relationship.
Here is an unpopular opinion: you don’t know what’s good for you. You don’t know what experiences will bring about the next level of your being and help you become the person who can attract (and hold!) all the beautiful things in life.
My approach to the law of attraction is to prioritize getting quiet. The things that scream for our attention and make us believe that this is what we want are often not the things we want at our very core.
Have you ever gone through a breakup, where a part of you sighs in relief, and the other part can only throw herself on the floor and cry? Which one do you think you are?
To let the law of attraction truly work for you, you need to connect to the part of you that’s relieved after a relationship ends that wasn’t serving you.
Connecting to the wiser, higher part of ourselves takes time and practice when you’re not used to tapping into this energy.
But most importantly, connecting with your higher self will prompt you to look at the barriers to manifesting what you want.
Why it’s not working yet

When people start evolving and practicing the law of attraction, they get confronted with themselves.
They think I feel like shit, so I must be doing something wrong. They believe the law of attraction is only about positive vibes and happy feelings. The opposite is true.
You will hit a wall at some point because you’re finally getting real with yourself.
Instead of saying at this point, “the law of attraction doesn’t work for me,” and stop, you should applaud yourself for coming this far.
The most crucial phase of attracting the life you want is the fact that you feel uncomfortable, distraught, and in a place where things don’t seem to move for you.
In this transition phase, you clear old thought patterns, face trauma, and create new ways for yourself.
Just because the law of attraction is powerful doesn’t mean you don’t have to do the work.
We’re attracted to “fast” manifestation techniques or rigid goals like “how to manifest a text from a particular person” because we feel in control. I’m not making up the latter; this is a popular search term!!
We think that more control brings us more of what we want in life, but that’s not true.
Activating the law of attraction for ourselves truly looks like this:
- I surrender the desire of (..) (love, success, money, good health, or anything else you’re intent on manifesting)
- I’m prepared to meet my desire halfway
- Please show me where I need to let go of control
- Guide me to the experience of (…) that I genuinely want (love, success, money, good health, or anything else you’re intent on manifesting )
Law of attraction techniques

Paradoxically, the fastest way you can attract the life you want is by being honest where you refuse to let go of control.
Is it the way your career evolves? Is it about how you approach dating and meeting the right person?
Get honest with yourself about your blocks and in which areas of your life you become as rigid as a rock.
Have you identified what it is for you?
I’ll give you an example of mine. One thing I’m sure about Is that I work HARD. The problem with that is that I become blind-sighted. I’ll be pecking at that problem until eternity if something doesn’t work.
The issue is that I think I have all the solutions when I don’t.
If I were to take a step back and approach the situation as if I knew nothing about it and didn’t know the best direction, higher insight could come and find me.
When I’m rigid, all I do is run in circles. Maybe I will eventually find a solution for my problem, and perhaps I’ll make a whole lot of money, but it still won’t feel right.
Why? Because it’s not wholesome. It’s a product of my control, and I’m not exactly an enlightened being in this state.
Our lives aren’t just up to us and our controlling ways; they’re up to the quality of energy that we dare to align ourselves with.
And let me tell you, our control freak self doesn’t know best.
So, getting back to the point of the fastest manifestation techniques.
See where you are conditioned in your responses and actions. Which areas of your life do you almost act involuntarily? Is the reaction there before you can even take a breath?
That’s where you need to lean back, do less, and trust higher guidance.
I’m sure you have once felt two reactions simultaneously: part relief, part panic. All you need to do is connect to the part that feels relief.
Removing the blocks

People will say: I’m doing everything. I say the affirmations, take action, and entertain positive thoughts. But still, nothing new shows up in my life.
You have not gone deep enough. Truly felt your feelings under the surface and surrendered.
An important question about your practice of the law of attraction is: who has been practicing? The part of you that’s rigid and panicky or the eternally calm one?
The biggest misconception about the law of attraction is that it works “logically” in our daily minds. It doesn’t.
What I mean by that is that some buried away blocks can withhold us from manifesting the life we want.
The fastest way to manifest what you want is being open to the chaos that might follow when you’re starting to release what’s blocking your way.
Don’t worry if you don’t know what’s blocking you. Your conscious mind is not going to tell you.
Instead, ask for guidance where you’re still holding on to things and speak the intention that you’re willing to let go of what is not serving you.
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