So you’ve got a crush?!! Yay, that’s so exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. Being flirty isn’t always easy if you get to know someone over text.

These 100+ insanely good flirty questions to ask your crush will help to keep the conversation going and connect on a deeper level.
When you flirt with someone IRL, you have body language, gestures, and all the smooth stuff. However, when texting, all you have is words, haha! So you better make it cute.
Even if you’re shy or not naturally great at starting conversations, having good questions on hand makes it a lot easier to talk to your crush.
There are many fun, subtle flirty, juicy, or deep questions to ask your crush to get to know them better. And obviously, to see whether they’re into you!!
So let’s look at some of the best questions to ask your crush.
What are some juicy questions to ask your crush?
Asking the right questions makes getting to know someone easier and more fun. A few juicy questions you can ask your crush are:
- What’s your favorite type of kiss?
- Do you have a crush on anyone?
- What attracts you to a girl/guy?
- What qualities are the most important to you in a girlfriend?
- How do you know you’ve fallen for someone?
- What is something about you that would surprise me?
- Would you rather take things slow or move fast?

How to flirt with a guy over text (without being obvious)
Keep it fun and light, and don’t be too intense. You want to ease into it when you’re just getting to know someone. You don’t want to be firing questions like a job interview, but you also don’t want to seem uninterested. Having a few subtle flirty questions in your mind helps if the conversation is dying out or you want to surprise him by asking a random question.
What to do when flirting over text
Be genuine. You want to show your personality! Putting that person on a pedestal is easy when we have a crush. But to have a free-flowing conversation, you really shouldn’t overthink things. Sometimes it’s easier to talk free and flirt with someone you don’t like that much. But it shouldn’t be like that! So train yourself to show up as yourself even if you like someone an insane amount.
Don’t be too predictable. I used to talk to a guy who would send me good morning texts every. single. day. (and it drove me nuts). To keep things fun, text your crush at unexpected times. Don’t always do the good morning goodnight texts.
Make your crush laugh. (but don’t force it). The best type of humor is subtle. Avoid forced jokes. Don’t be ‘I am making a joke; please laugh’ type of person. Think playful questions and sassy comments. You can also challenge the person a little in a fun way. Side note: never make jokes putting someone down! Guys seem to love doing this (?) as a psychological trick to get girls to want their approval.
Show genuine interest. Everyone loves it when people show genuine interest in us. Ask what’s going on in their lives, compliment them (not the forced kind), and get to know what matters to them. When you see what someone values and loves, it’s easier to show interest in what they’re up to.
Subtle flirty questions to ask a guy
When you ask subtle flirty questions, you don’t make it directly about you, but you get to know your crush more intimately. These questions help you learn what they’re into, what personality types they like, and what they possibly like about you!
Subtle flirty questions to ask your crush are the best if you don’t want to be too obvious but still want to put yourself out there.

Best subtle flirty questions
1. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
2. What is the coolest skill you have?
3. What would be your ideal date?
4. What is the perfect way to ask someone out?
“What is the one quality that really makes you fall for a girl”?
5. What’s your favorite thing to do after work?
6. What is a deal-breaker for you?
7. What is something you’ve done recently that you’re proud of?
8. Biggest turn-ons and turn-offs?
9. What is the first thing you notice about a girl?
10. What TV shows (or movies, podcasts, artists) have you been into lately?
11. What are some things you think we have in common?
12. What is the most important thing you want in a relationship?
13. How do you imagine your ideal life?
“What makes you feel comfortable around someone?”
14. If a girl would make the first move, would you like that?
15. Tell me one thing you did that you never thought you would do?
16. What is the most unexpected thing you’ve learned while in a relationship/dating?
17. How does someone make you feel important/special?
18. What is the best type of compliment you could ever receive?
19. When do you feel happiest?
20. What makes you feel nervous?
21. What is the cutest quality you can think of?

Juicy would you rather questions
A fun and innocent way to talk with your crush over text is with a game. It also makes asking juicy questions less obvious!! Yes, you want to be flirty, but if you ask questions as part of a game, it’s less obvious and leaves some more mystery. Would you rather questions, truth or dare, and 21 questions are great games to play when texting with your crush.
1. Would you rather find true love or be rich?
2. Would you rather be snowed in with your crush or lay on the beach with your crush?
3. Would you rather hold my hand or put your arm around my waist?
4. Would you rather be with someone who is feared by all or who is loved by all?
5. Would you rather stay friends with your ex or never talk to them again?
6. Would you rather ask for help or figure it out yourself?
7. Would you rather have x-ray vision or invisibility?
8. Would you rather lose all your money or all pictures you’ve ever taken?
9. Would you rather be alone for the rest of your life or always be surrounded by annoying people?

What are good flirty questions to ask a guy?
Depending on the context, almost any question can be a good flirty question. A great flirty question will not be great when the timing is off!! So first, feel that out.
Good flirty questions always show that you’re interested in someone without being over the top. Also, making someone laugh is a powerful thing to do!
A good question also depends on the type of person you’re talking to. You don’t want to be asking smooth and juicy questions to someone shy (or just not into that when they’re first getting to know someone).
So before you start asking questions, read the room and get a sense of the type of person you’re talking to. Then, depending on the mood, you can ask funny questions, play 21 questions, or ask deep questions to get to know your crush better.
Funny questions to ask your crush
Fun questions are a great ice breaker when you start talking to someone. But don’t overdo it because they might think you’re not into them. A good fun question can start an entirely new conversation! For example, about things that happened in their life, people they know, friends they have, or experiences they’ve had in the past.
If you feel like the conversation is dying, ask a fun and light question. Too many fun questions might move you into the friend zone, so keep your romantic objective at the top of your mind lol.
1. What is the most reckless thing you have ever done?
2. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
3. What’s the weirdest thing you find attractive?
4. If you had one week to live, how would you spend it?
5. What is your go-to way of flirting?
6. What would you NOT do for a million dollars?
7. Who drives you crazy at your job?
“If you could be fluent in one language, what would it be and why?”
8. What is your roommate’s situation? (good conversation starter, and you learn more about their living situation)
9. What is the most random compliment you’ve ever received?
10. Amongst all the smells in the world, which is one is your favorite?
11. If you had a time machine, would you go back to the past or travel to the future?
12. What is the worst nickname someone has ever given you?
13. If you were arrested for something, what would your family and friends assume it would be?
14. What do people usually get wrong about you?

Deep questions to ask your crush
Deep questions are the way to go if you want to level things up a little bit when texting with your crush. These questions help you learn more about who they are and what they care about.
If you’re having a late night conversation via text, you can use these questions to open up a little more and connect deeper.
There is a time and place for deep and serious questions, so feel that out!
1. What is the most romantic song on the planet?
2. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
3. How old do you want to be when you get married?
4. When do I look the most beautiful to you?
5. What would your younger self not believe about your life today?
6. What is the highest pressure situation you have ever had to deal with?
7. What do you want your life to be like in 5 years?
8. Do you know your love language? Quality time, physical touch, acts of service, gifts, or words of affirmation?
“What is the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for someone?”
9. What is something you’ve never told anyone?
10. What is something you’ve done that you’re most proud of?
11. Tell me something that nobody knows about you?
12. What is the worst advice you’ve ever received?
13. Are you close to your family?
14. If you could go back to the past, what would you change?
15. Does money buy happiness?
Questions to ask your crush to see if they like you
OK, so first of all, if someone likes you, you will know!! Ideally, you don’t need to ask a bunch of questions to see if they do.
Here are some pointers that they like you and aren’t just being friendly. Someone who likes you will make an effort to keep the conversation going. They text you first! (it should be a two-way street).
You don’t need many questions to know if someone likes you. Although, if you’ve been texting for a while and haven’t been out on a date, sometimes a daring and cute question is the way to go.
These are some questions to ask to see if they like you:
- Do you ever think about me?
- If we went on a date, where would you take me?
- What is your love language?
- What is the worst assumption someone has made about you?
- If I ask you out, would you say yes?
- What was your first impression of me?
Some people might not answer these questions super direct (because it’s not their style), but at this point, you do want some solid pointers that they like you and aren’t just being “nice.”

This post showed you the best flirty questions to ask your crush.
I hope these questions were helpful!! Flirting over text can be tricky, and having some good questions ready can help add more depth to the conversation.
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